Threats of Terrorism (South Dakota Codified Law)

22-8-12. Act of Terrorism, Felony: Any person who commits a crime of violence, as defined by subdivision 22-1-2(9), or an act dangerous to human life involving any use of chemical, biological, or radioactive material, or any explosive or destructive device, with the intent to do any of the following:

  1. Intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
  2. Influence the policy or conduct of any government or nation;
  3. Affect the conduct of any government or nation by assassination or kidnaping; or
  4. Substantially impair or interrupt public communications, public transportation, common carriers, public utilities, or other public services;

is guilty of making a terrorist threat. A violation of this section is a Class 5 felony.

22-8-13. Terriorist Threat, Felony: Any person who threatens to commit a crime of violence, as defined by subdivision 22-1-2(9), or an act dangerous to human life involving any use of chemical, biological, or radioactive material, or any explosive or destructive device, with the intent to:

  1. Intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
  2. Influence the policy or conduct of any government or nation;
  3. Affect the conduct of any government or nation; or
  4. Substantially impair or interrupt public communications, public transportation, common carriers, public utilities, or other public services;

is guilty of making a terrorist threat. A violation of this section is a Class 5 felony.

22-14A-26. Persons Convicted of Certain Crimes May Be Ordered to Make Restitution: The court may, after conviction or adjudication of any violation of § 22-11-9.2, 22-14A-24, or 22-14A-25, conduct a hearing to ascertain the extent of costs incurred, damages, and financial loss suffered by local, county, or state public safety agencies, and the amount of property damage caused as a result of the crime. A person found guilty of violating § 22-11-9.2, 22-14A-24, or 22-14A-25, may upon conviction, be ordered to make restitution to the local, county, or state public service agency for any cost incurred, damages, and financial loss or property damage sustained as a result of the commission of the crime.

22-14A-27. No Cause of Action Against Good Faith Response to Terrorist Act: The provisions of § 22-11-9.2, 22-14A-24, or 22-14A-25 may not be construed to create any cause of action against any person based upon or arising out of any act or omission relating to any good faith response to a felonious threat or an attempted felonious threat.