Student Complaints

Mitchell Tech recognizes that there may be conditions that are in need of improvement and that students and others should have some means by which their concerns may be effectively expressed, considered, and dealt with fairly.  Such means can do much to maintain harmonious relationships between the College and the students, employees, and community.
Mitchell Tech desires that all types of complaints be handled informally at the level closest to the origin of the complaint, but also, that channels be provided for filing official complaints when resolution is not achieved.  Mitchell Tech will follow approved policies and procedures for handling complaints.  (Students wishing to file an official complaint or appeal with the College should refer to Policy MTC 1045.  Students wishing to file a grievance alleging a violation of federal or state civil rights laws, rules, and regulations should refer to Policy MTC 1046.)
For all complaints, the first course of action must be to try to resolve the complaint directly with MTC through informal or formal processes. To formally file a complaint, please submit the Complaint Intake Form,