Academic Engagement Defined

For students to receive federal financial aid, students must demonstrate academic engagement. If academic engagement is not confirmed in each class, federal financial aid will be cancelled or reduced based upon the classes where academic engagement is confirmed. After 10 consecutive school days of inactivity, a student may be administratively withdrawn from all courses.

The United States Department of Education defines Academic Engagement as “active participation by a student in an instructional activity related to the student’s course of study” that includes --

  • Attending a synchronous class, lecture, recitation, or field or laboratory activity, physically or online, where there is an opportunity for interaction between the instructor and                      students;
  • Submitting an academic assignment;
  • Taking an assessment or an exam;
  • Participating in an interactive tutorial, webinar, or other interactive computer-assisted instruction;
  • Participating in a study group, group project, or an online discussion that is assigned by the institution; or
  • Interacting with an instructor about academic matters.

Academic Engagement is NOT:

  • Logging into an online class or MyTech without any further participation
  • Meeting with an academic advisor or student success coach

Attendance and active engagement in all courses is considered critical at Mitchell Tech. Academic success and student learning are closely related to attendance and participation. A student may be administratively withdrawn from a course after 20 consecutive school days of in activity.