Institutional Learning Outcomes

Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) are the broad areas of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students should value, expect to know, and be able to do upon completion of their degrees and programs at Mitchell Technical College. These outcomes are developed both in the classroom and in co-curricular environments. Graduates of Mitchell Technical College will be able to:

  • Communicate effectively in the workplace
    • Engage in Standard English practices and proper channels to produce audio, visual, and/or written work.
    • Employ active listening to comprehend, analyze, and respond appropriately to oral, written, and visual information and instructions.
    • Demonstrate professional communication using industry- or discipline-specific vocabulary appropriate for diverse audiences.
    • Establish credibility by using sound reasoning and quality, media-literate research to support a claim
    • Construct clear, logical organization to deliver information, establish protocols, or develop procedures
    • Utilize interpersonal and group communication skills, especially those that promote collaborative problem-solving, shared understanding, and teamwork
  • Apply reasoning and critical thinking to solve problems and seek information
    • Identify vital questions, problems, or issues
    • Utilize deductive reasoning to gather reputable information and evaluate data critically
    • Develop options to determine the most effective solution
    • Analyze and assess assumptions, biases, and multiple perspectives to develop a well-informed valid argument
    • Translate problem-solving experiences beyond the classroom
  • Demonstrate professionalism in a diverse culture
    • Collaborate responsibly in a team environment
    • Demonstrate dependability & flexibility, manage time effectively, show respect for others
    • Adhere to safety practices
    • Display appropriate dress and present self in a professional manner that aligns with industry standards
    • Engage in self-assessment strategies
    • Model ethical behavior and integrity
    • Approach controversy/conflict with civility to develop creative solutions
  • Cultivate civic engagement and social responsibility
    • Engage in community service projects and civic affairs
    • Understand the value of volunteerism and community impact
    • Interact respectfully with individuals of diverse backgrounds, perspectives, beliefs, and values
    • Evaluate the impact of one’s actions on others