Credit for Prior Learning Policies

  • Students must complete a minimum of 25% of their coursework credits at Mitchell Tech to earn a degree, diploma, or certificate. Credits earned through any combination of transfer college credit or any type of prior learning may not exceed 75% of the program’s total requirements.
  • Academic credit may only be awarded for those courses directly applicable to curriculum requirements in the student’s declared certificate, diploma, or degree program as outlined in the Mitchell Tech catalog and website.
  • All credit awarded for prior learning will be given a grade of CR on the student’s academic record (transcript). Prior learning credits do not count toward a cumulative GPA at Mitchell Tech.
  • Academic credit may only be awarded for learning directly related to the course identified and publicized learning outcomes.
  • All work assessed for prior learning credit must meet a minimum proficiency for all of the course competencies.
  • Credits awarded for prior learning satisfy prerequisite requirements in the same manner that their course equivalencies do.
  • Students requesting credit for prior learning must be enrolled in a specific degree, diploma, or certificate program at Mitchell Tech.
  • All documentation, including portfolio materials, challenge examinations, or other materials utilized in the credit for prior learning process become property of, and are maintained, by Mitchell Tech. The documentation will become part of the student’s academic record.
  • The credit for prior learning process must be initiated by the student requesting credit.
  • A student may not request credit for prior learning past the add/drop date for a course in which they are currently enrolled.
  • A student may not request credit for prior learning for a course that they have audited.
  • Partial credit may be awarded if prior learning meets some, but not all, of the course learning outcomes. In such cases, students will be required to enroll in and complete the full course. However, tuition and fees will only be charged for the remaining credits not awarded through the credit for prior learning process.
  • To receive prior learning credit for Student Success (SSS100), a student must have

    1. completed any degree program, associates or higher, OR
    2. Served Active Duty in the military, OR
    3.  Have previously attended college and meet all the following criteria
    • GPA of 3.0 or higher at previous college
    • Completed a minimum of 12 credits
    • C or better in a “Freshman Experience” course
    • Coursework must be completed within the last 5 years
    • Courses must be taken after graduating from high school
  • Students may appeal the decision on awarding credit for prior learning. To appeal a decision regarding credit for prior learning, students should follow Mitchell Tech’s standard formal appeal process as outlined in Mitchell Tech Policy 1045 and Policy 1046.