Student Life

General Student Conduct

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible and courteous manner. It is understood that students who enroll agree with the mission and purpose of the Institute and accept and follow its policies, regulations, and operational procedures. Students are expected to comply with federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Student behavior which, after due process, is found to be disruptive to classes or interferes with the rights of others or causes damage to property may result in probation or suspension.

The school retains the authority to withdraw any student from an internship, clinical area, or observation whose grades, work conduct, or health may have a detrimental effect on themselves, the Institute, customers, clients, or patients of the cooperating agency.

Students should conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the Institute’s educational mission. The following specifically, but not limited to, will result in disciplinary action. Disciplinary action will vary depending on the degree of severity of each situation.

  • Academic dishonesty, including plagiarism and academic cheating
  • Forgery, alteration, or misuse of Institute documents, records, or identification
  • Knowingly furnishing false information to the Institute
  • Obstruction or disruption of Institute operations
  • Obstruction or disruption of Institute-authorized activities on property owned or supervised by the Institute
  • Violent physical or verbal abuse of any person on property owned by the Institute or at any functions sponsored by or supervised by the Institute
  • Conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person, including oneself, on property owned by the Institute or at functions sponsored by or supervised by the Institute.
  • Theft or damage to Institute property
  • Unauthorized entry to Institute facilities or property
  • Unauthorized use or misuse of Institute property, including attempting to leave the library with materials which have not been properly\borrowed, unauthorized use of computers, equipment or tools, or misuse of Institute telephones
  • Violation of Institute regulations or campus policies
  • The possession, use, manufacture, or distribution of illegal drugs, alcohol, or other controlled substances (except as expressly permitted by law) on property owned by or supervised by the Institute
  • Lewd, indecent, or obscene speech or conduct on property owned by the Institute, at functions sponsored by or supervised by the Institute, verbal harassment of any MTI employee, or violation of any Institute regulation or policy pertaining to such conduct
  • Intimidating behavior directed toward any student, faculty member, staff member, or administrator
  • Failure to comply with the directions of an Institute official acting in the performance of his/her duties
  • Unauthorized possession or use of firearms, other dangerous weapons, explosives, or fireworks on property owned by the Institute or at functions sponsored by or supervised by the Institute
  • Knowingly circulating a false report or false warning that property under Institute control or supervision may be subject to a bombing, fire, crime, emergency, or other catastrophe
  • Smoking or the use of any tobacco or smoking-type product inside Institute buildings
  • Failure to report to the MTI Administration Office or local sheriff and/or police agencies, any knowledge of or criminal activity on campus: i.e., murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, or motor vehicle theft. Such a report shall be provided in a manner that is timely and that will aid in the prevention of similar occurrences.

Emergency Procedures

It is the student’s responsibility to become familiar with the building and plans for emergencies. Instructors are in charge of emergency plans for each classroom, shop or laboratory. An Emergency Procedures flier is posted in each classroom, shop or lab and provides brief instructions for a variety of emergency situations.

General Information

General Conduct

Students attending Mitchell Technical Institute are expected to abide by the rules and regulations as set forth in this publication and as prescribed by individual departments. Additionally, students are expected to uphold local, state, and federal laws.

Students may have their enrollment status suspended at MTI for academic deficiencies (unsatisfactory progress), nonpayment of fees, and when their presence in the Institute causes disruption in the teaching/learning process or delivery of classes. The suspension process includes the right to due process as outlined in the student grievance procedure.

Books, Tools and Supplies

Books, tools, and supplies to be used in programs may be purchased from the Bookstore. Students may purchase tools from sources other than the school provided they meet the standards of the department. Students are expected to have a complete set of tools available during all laboratory activities.

Students who enroll need to prepare for some initial expenses at the start of the term. Books, supplies, and tools will be required for all classes. MTI and the MTI Bookstore do not allow advances or charging of items from the Bookstore (except with a credit card) or with approval by the Financial Comptroller. Please budget accordingly when making your school plans.

Bulletin Boards

All bulletin board items, posters, etc., must be approved prior to being posted. Approval may be obtained in the Center for Student Success. Items are preapproved for display for up to one month. Any item left after that date may be destroyed. All boards will be cleared at the end of each semester.

Cell Phones/Telephones

Cell phone use is inappropriate in classrooms and laboratories. Most departments have policies regarding cell phones. Personal calls should be made outside of classroom/lab areas. If possible, student calls are to be placed with cell phones or at public telephones. Instructional and administrative office telephones are not for student use. Emergency phone calls will only be relayed to the student if the caller has identified him/herself and the nature of the call

Change of Address/Phone

Address and telephone number changes must be filed with the Registrar.

Classroom and Laboratory Use

Student use of classrooms and laboratories will only be allowed when a supervisor is present.

Financial Aid Regulations

Students should pay special attention to and accurately complete applications for student financial aid. Errors can result in long delays in receipt of financial aid. Intentional misreporting of information on application forms for federal financial aid is a violation of law and is considered a criminal offense subject to penalties under the U.S. Criminal Code. Please pay particular attention to the following:

  • Return all additional documentation, verification, corrections, and/or new information requested by either the financial aid office or the agency to which the application was submitted.
  • Read and understand all forms signed and keep copies of them.
  • Accept responsibility for all agreements signed.
  • If a student has a loan, the lender must be notified of changes in name, address, or school status.
  • Perform the work that is agreed upon in accepting a College Work Study award.
  • Know and comply with the deadlines for application or reapplication for aid.
  • Know and comply with the school’s refund procedures.

Food and Beverage Consumption

Food and beverages should be consumed in the commons areas. Due to the nature of the technology located in MTI classrooms and labs, students are strongly discouraged from consuming food or beverages outside of the commons areas. Cooperation in keeping the commons areas clean at all times is requested.

Food Service

Meals are served for a charge during the hours students are in attendance. MTI has implemented a payment system called Café Cash. You can put money into your Café Cash account and use your student ID card to make food purchases. More information is available from the Center for Student Success or from the Business Office.

Illness, Accidents or Injuries

Accidents, injuries, or illnesses occurring during classroom or laboratory time or during a school-sponsored activity must be reported to an instructor or a school official. Each accident must be reported in writing to the Vice-President within twenty-four (24) hours of the incident. Liability regarding accidents is not assumed by the school. Students who are unsafe workers may be terminated from the program. MTI will contact health care personnel when necessary. The expense will be borne by the student.


Mitchell Technical Institute DOES NOT carry insurance on students. Health insurance is the responsibility of each student and MTI urges each student to carry some type of health insurance. Injuries sustained while in class or lab are the responsibility of the student. Students have the responsibility to communicate with their individual health insurance providers to make sure that coverage requirements are met. Dropping classes or withdrawing from school can have an impact on insurance coverage. Students and their parents should be aware of these issues.

Student Laptop Computers on Campus

MTI-issued laptop required by program

Students who purchase computers from MTI for use in their programs will have full use of the campus network services. The laptops are distributed and supported by the MTI Technology Office.

BYOD programs

Students enrolled in some programs are required to bring their own device (laptop) at their own expense. Students may choose to purchase a laptop from MTI. See the Business Office for information.

Student Technical Support

Students who purchase laptops as a program requirement may contact the IT department for technical support. The IT department is located in the Technology Center.

The campus IT department will not provide technical support to students using laptops/ tablets not purchased and managed through MTI beyond network connectivity to our Wi-Fi network. Students must seek support through their vendor or a commercial computer support service.


Lockers provided for students’ use are the property of the school. It is the student’s responsibility to provide a padlock. MTI is not responsible for the contents of student lockers.

Lost and Found

Any items found in the school should be turned in to an administrative office area. Lost articles may be reclaimed after proper identification.

Mail Service

Mitchell Technical Institute does not forward personal mail received at the school. Please do not use MTI as a mailing address.

Parking and Driving On Campus

Parking signs are large and visible, with VISITOR PARKING clearly designated. All loading and unloading zones will be identified with signs.

Students parking in fire lanes will be ticketed and fined. Students parking in non-designated areas may have vehicles towed away and are responsible for towing expenses.

Campus speed limits are not to exceed 10 miles per hour.

Traffic violations will be handled at MTI in cooperation with the Mitchell Department of Public Safety.

Payment of Bills

Any student having unpaid bills at MTI will not be allowed to register in any new term during the period in which that bill remains unsettled. Indebtedness includes unpaid amounts for tuition, books, fees, library fines, parking tickets, shop/laboratories charges, and any other charges incurred by the student and owed to the Institute. Grades, transcripts, diplomas, degrees, and certificates will not be issued until the indebtedness is settled.

Personal Property

Mitchell Technical Institute does not assume responsibility for loss of or damage to personal property of students.

School Property

The facilities of Mitchell Technical Institute are modern and up-to-date. Students must take proper care of equipment and respect the property of others. Students will be required to pay for school property that they have lost or damaged. Theft of property will be referred to the appropriate authorities.

Service Dogs on Campus

Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties.

Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability.

Under the ADA, service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls.

Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA and as such are not allowed in MTI classrooms or labs.

Student Email Accounts

Each student will be issued an MTI email account for official communication and personal use. Students will be charged $5.00 to change lost or forgotten passwords.

Student ID Cards

Each student will be issued a photo identification card. Replacement cards are issued in the Office of Technology for $30.00.


Students are required to furnish their own transportation to and from school. When training requires students to be off campus, students must make their own transportation arrangements. Students wishing to car pool should contact the Center for Student Success.

Weather-Related School Closings

It can be assumed that MTI classes will be held as scheduled. Students should use their own best judgment regarding road conditions. If weather is threatening, students are not advised to jeopardize their safety by traveling in from outlying communities. Weather-related messages will be sent via the campus alert system (MTECH) and will be broadcast on Mitchell radio stations: AM 1490 KORN, FM 101.3 KORN, FM 107.3 KQRN, FM 92.1 KORN Country, FM 105.9 KMIT, and FM 98.3 KUQL. Local television stations will also be notified.