General Education Philosophy

General Education is that part of our students’ education that goes beyond learning technical skills and allows students to become well-rounded, higher-functioning citizens of the world. As an institute of higher learning, we are committed to the inherent value of general education and know that critical thinking ability, communication skills, information literacy, math and problem solving skills and more, are crucial for our graduates’ success in their future technical careers. We also recognize that an associate’s degree or diploma at Mitchell Technical Institute must mean something more than job skills. Our students must become lifelong learners with the ability to adapt to a changing world and ever-increasing job expectations. To this end, general education learning outcomes that all MTI graduates should possess have been identified as follows:


Students will understand and apply essential mathematical processes and analysis.

  • Perform computations using appropriate methods and/or technologies
  • Demonstrate knowledge and application of measurement
  • Demonstrate knowledge and application of formulas
  • Use math processes to solve problems
  • Apply problem-solving steps.

Human Relations

Students will apply human relationship skills to work successfully in a diverse society.

  • Demonstrate awareness and respect for people and their differences
  • Ask for and listen to others’ opinions and solutions
  • Identify individual strengths and challenges in occupational relationships
  • Apply team skills to group projects
  • Demonstrate conflict resolution techniques
  • Understand the benefits of community involvement and civic responsibility.


Students will use computer technology to access, organize and communicate information.

  • Use word processing, e-mail and presentation software to effectively and professionally communicate information
  • Create and manage workbooks using spreadsheet software
  • Use electronic resources to conduct research.


Students will communicate effectively with others using a variety of contexts and formats.

  • Use standard English spelling, mechanics, grammar and structure
  • Create written communication appropriate to the audience which clearly, concisely and accurately expresses ideas and conveys needs
  • Participate effectively in groups by demonstrating the ability to speak, listen, respond and interpret
  • Speak effectively, both formally and informally, in a variety of contexts
  • Conduct, examine, interpret and document research responsibly.