
LPN/RN Summer Session Begins May 8
Summer Semester classes begin May 15
Last day to add a class (by 3:00 PM) May 19
Last day to drop a class with a refund (by 3:00 PM)
May 24
Memorial Day (No Classes, building closed)
May 29
No longer able to attend class if bill is not paid in full or on approved payment plan May 30
Refund of account balance overage/excess financial aid available on/after
June 8
Juneteenth (No Classes, building closed) June 19

June 23

Last day to withdraw from Mitchell Tech with partial refund of charges*
July 3
Independence Day (No Classes, building closed)
July 4
Last day to withdraw-no refund, receive W not F grades*
July 24
 Summer Semester ends August 4 
 LPN/RN Pinning Ceremony August 8
*This withdrawal date is for full semester courses only. Shorter course withdrawal dates vary. See the Registrar for details and watch for specific date information on MyTech.