Registered Apprenticeship (Power Line), Certificate

Mitchell Technical Institute is pleased to introduce the Power Line Registered Apprenticeship training program offered through the division of Advanced Technical Education. This registered apprentice program will allow MTI graduates to pursue Journeyworker status within their energy career, framed within a formalized, recognizable structure.

Completers of the program are awarded a Journeyworker certificate from the US Department of Labor and Apprentice Graduate Certificate from Mitchell Technical Institute.

As a recognized sponsor, MTI is able to provide the curriculum necessary for apprentices to reach Journeyworker lineman status, track and report their hours within the required work processes and, if needed, train them on campus for specific skills.

Students are considered a pre-apprentice upon entering the full time Power Line Construction and Maintenance program at MTI. The courses they complete during their first year of enrollment, along with the field training and lab activities, will allow them to advance to a Year Two Apprentice after completing the requisite number of on-the-job hours, typically 1,000, following graduation.

Award: Certificate

Year 2

APPL 202Advanced Electrical Circuits


APPL 292Internship II


Year 3

APPL 203Advanced Power Grid


APPL 293Internship III


Year 4

APPL 204Journeyman Lineworker Preparation


APPL 294Internship IV


Please note: Course descriptions are not yet available for this program. Check the website for frequent updates.